Posts Tagged ‘ide’

Typing with pleasure

Posted in Programming on December 20th, 2015 by Pavel – 57 Comments

Keyboard with a smileIn this article I examine human- and machine aspects of typing latency (“typing lag”) and present experimental data on latency of popular text / code editors. The article is inspired by my work on implementing “zero-latency typing” in IntelliJ IDEA.

Latency recently became a hot topic in computer world — now we have low-latency keyboards, 144 Hz monitors, special technologies to reduce latency (like FreeSync or G-Sync), dedicated communities and whatnot… Sure, a part of the buzz is marketing, however the truth is that low latency became both feasible and desirable.

Apparently, gamers are the first who gain form those advancements. In some areas, like virtual reality latency turned out to be a crucial factor, where even a single millisecond matters. But what about programmers? Do we need “typing with pleasure” to “develop with pleasure”? Let’s find out.

The article is also (independently) translated into Russian.

See also: Scrolling with pleasure.


  1. Human side
    1.1. Feedback
    1.2. Motor skill
    1.3. Internal model
    1.4. Multisensory integration
    1.5. Effects
  2. Machine side
    2.1. Input latency
    2.2. Processing latency
    2.3. Output latency
    2.4. Total latency
  3. Editor benchmarks
    3.1. Configuration
    3.2. Methodology
    3.3. Windows
    3.4. Linux
    3.5. VirtualBox
  4. Summary
  5. Links
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Posted in Programming, Scala, Software on October 22nd, 2011 by Pavel – Comments Off on ToyIDE

ToyIDE LogoToyIDE is an imitation of a full-featured IDE plus toy languages (imperative, functional) with complete IDE support, interpreters and compilers. All the parts were built from scratch in Scala, without relying on any existing code or libraries.

The project is purely educational. It is a product of a long vacation in the country and a desire to learn how all this stuff really works.

Although I applied evolutionary design in the development (to uncover the reasons behind architecture), it turns out that many techniques in the code come close to commonly used patterns. I learned a lot from the project and hope it might be useful to the people who want to know more about lexers, parsers, AST, Java bytecode and other similar fun, but tricky things.

Update: Jason Zaugg endorsed the project as “open-source Scala application with simplicity and taste”

Source code is 100% Scala (including ~800 unit tests which run in < 3 seconds).

Download binaries: (7.5 MB)

ToyIDE: Main Window
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