Posts Tagged ‘linux’

Upgrade Arch Linux for Raspberry Pi 2

Posted in Linux on May 23rd, 2015 by Pavel – 17 Comments

Raspberry Pi 2 model B v1.1 (see the note below)This articles shows how to transition from Raspberry Pi to Raspberry Pi 2 without reinstalling Arch Linux.

Arch Linux ARM images are tied to specific hardware architecture. While this may be seen as an inconvenience, there is an advantage in that Arch Linux binaries for Raspberry Pi 2 are compiled for ARM7 CPU and thus can benefit from the new instruction set.

Because ARM7 architecture is backward compatible with ARM6, it’s possible to upgrade your Raspberry Pi hardware to version 2 without reinstalling Arch Linux. Here is how we can do that (it goes without saying, that if you have any important data, consider backing it up first).
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Access your Raspberry Pi from anywhere

Posted in Linux on May 18th, 2015 by Pavel – 27 Comments

Console to Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi is an ideal platform for setting up personal services, like Git daemon, remote backup server, proxy server… you name it. However, while the device is small and handy it is still not so portable as a server, because conventional server installation usually includes domain name registration, setting up static IP addresses and configuring port forwarding on a router.

In this article I will show you how to utilize DDNS and UPnP technologies, so you will be able to simply plug your Raspberry Pi into an Ethernet port on (almost) any router and then securely access your own services from anywhere. The instructions are also applicable to a wireless connection (just use wlan0 instead of eth0 for Wi-Fi).

In a sense, the suggested approach solves the same problem as reverse SSH tunneling, but differently — there’s no need for a “visible” IP address on client side / middle machine (however, the provider’s IP on server side must be accessible), so it’s possible to establish connection with dynamic IPs, router’s NAT on server side and NAT on client side. Besides, this method is not limited to SSH and can handle other types of connections.
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Posted in Programming, Software on August 18th, 2009 by Pavel – 6 Comments

SleepArchiver Logo - CatSleepArchiver is an open source, cross-platform data manager for Sleeptracker-series watches.

The aim of the program is to provide powerful, yet user-friendly capabilities to collect, store and analyze sleep data.
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